Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Canadian Scientific Publishing, we invite you to submit manuscripts arising from research presented at Rhizosphere 5 for inclusion in a Special Issue of the
Canadian Journal of Microbiology
with Guest Editors Drs. Louise Nelson and Lori Phillips. Submissions will be accepted until Monday, January 20, 2020.
Papers should be focused on the root and plant microbiomes and microbial processes. Conference themes that are most relevant to teh special issue include: The Root Microbiome, Plant Holobiont, Rhizosphere Processes for Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrient Cycling, Natural Ecosystem Rhizosphere, Rhizosphere of Extreme Environments, Rhizoremediation, Plant Mutualisms or Symbionts, Natural and Commercial Inoculants, and General Soil-Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Submissions should be made online using the CJM's ScholarOne site. Please contact the editorial office ( if you have any questions.
All authors will need to create a profile in ScholarOne, if they do not have one already, and include a valid email address. Please note that the Special Issue notice in ScholarOne is visible only after logging in.
ScholarOne Instructions:

Last update: 6 July 2019

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Lori Phillips, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Harrow)
Lori is a is a microbial ecologist with Agriculture and AgriFood Canada, based in Harrow, Ontario. Her current research seeks to answer ‘who’s doing what where?’ questions related to microbe-soil-plant interactions, at scales ranging from the plant to the ecosystem. The overall goal of her research is to determine how to manage or manipulate these interactions to enhance nutrient cycling, agro-ecosystem productivity and resilience, and healthy ecosystem functioning.
Louise Nelson, University of British Columbia (Okanagan)
Louise is a soil microbiologist with research interests in plant-microbe interactions, plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, biological control of plant fungal pathogens and nitrogen cycling in soil microbial populations. My current research addresses the effects of agricultural management practices on GHG emissions and nitrogen cycling, microbial populations in woody perennial horticultural systems, the use of selected soil bacteria to control postharvest fungal pathogens of stored pome fruit.

1. Enter your manuscript type, title and abstract
2. Upload your manuscript files (at original submission, you may upload text, tables,
figures and appendices together or in separate files)
3. Enter keywords and in Scholar One select Special Issue Rhizosphere 5
4. Add all manuscript co-authors, in order (you will need a valid email address for each
co-author to add/create their account in ScholarOne)
5. Suggest 2 potential peer reviewers for your manuscript (you will need a valid email
address for each suggested reviewer; these should be experts who are not in conflict
with the authors or the manuscript)
6. Upload or enter your covering letter, and respond to all submission questions
7. Ensure all required fields have been completed, view the submission proof, then click
Guest Editor Biographies:
There are no submission or publication fees to publish in the Canadian Journal of Microbiology.
Open Access
The OpenArticle option is offered to authors after acceptance of their manuscript. By choosing the OpenArticle option, your paper will be openly accessible on the journal's website and all authors are permited to place an electronic copy of the final published article on their personal Web site or in an institutional repository of their choosing.
Please note that the OpenArticle publishing fee for CJM is $3000 CDN. However, if any author is a member of the Canadian Society of Microbiology, you will receive a discounted price of $1000 CDN.
Researchers at Canadian Research Knowledge Network member institutions are entitled to a discounted price of $1500 CDN.